Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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Christian Articles

There are a lot of topics that can be covered from a Christian point of view. We have several articles that can be used for your site if you would like to share them. All we ask is that you leave the link in the articles intact. So feel free to share them under that condition.

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Christian Devotions By Category

Apologetic Articles

The standard has been raised against a flood of lies Read The Articles>>>

The lies are so loud it is hard to see the truth at times. These articles will deal with the subject of apologetics and defending the faith.

Standing on Gods word

Standing on the rock of Gods word Read The Articles>>>

Truth is absolute. It will not change. You can stand on it no matter what comes. That is what pure Biblical doctrine is. When you know what the Bible says you will not be at the mercy of any tricks of the Devil.

Christian Devotional Articles

Worship our Father through inspirational messages Read Articles>>>

Our Father is so awesome that the world itself could not hold the books that should be written about Him! The messages in these devotionals will help you think of Him in ways you may not have thought of before.

Articles About Outreach

Outreach is done through love Read Articles>>>

Evangelism isn’t about going to a crowd and lecturing. It is about being Jesus to everyone we meet. Sometimes all it takes is getting out of our own selfish worlds and caring about others enough to sit down and ask them how they are doing (and being seriously interested).

Articles About Christian Marriage

A strong marriage begins with a strong faith Read Articles>>>

Your marriage can be stronger than iron. As you both move closer to God there will naturally be less that comes between you. Learn secrets to having a happy marriage and keeping it!

Articles About Ministry

Being in ministry comes with challenges Read Articles>>>

Bringing the word of God to people that often do not care about it can be hard on anyone! These are some things I have learned that I want to share with pastors, teachers, and anyone else in ministry.

Articles About Salvation

Salvation is more than getting out of Hell Read Articles>>>

When you become a Christian your entire life changes! Things you didn’t want to do before are now a joy for you. Things you did want to do before will become a burden to you. Read more about how salvation affects someone through these articles.

Giving Praise

When I was in the Fourth grade my destroyed kidney I got from a beating was miraculously healed. Praise the Wonderful Name of Jesus.

John C. Thomas