Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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What Is Faith & Who Is God

Having faith in God isn’t just about belief. In fact, the Bible defines faith as being more than just a belief. These Bible studies will explain what faith is, who God is, and how they work together.

the promise

When Does A Christian Receive The Holy Ghost STUDY NOW>>>

Jesus promised us the gift of the Holy Ghost to comfort us and lead us into all truth. But when does the Christian receive the Holy Ghost? What signifies that a Christian has been baptized with the Holy Ghost? Learn about the promise the Father made to those who would believe and understand about the third member of the trinity.


The Foundation Of Our Faith STUDY NOW>>>

Can you give an answer for why you believe what you do? Too often people credit the works of God and other Christians as some kind of magic. If you can not give an answer for your faith that is more solid than simply saying you just believe then I encourage you to read this.

Giving Praise

God is SO good! He has spoken to me very specifically about something I had been praying about just to encourage me! Our Father God is awesome!!!

Pastor Dave