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Hebrews 6:1-3

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Contradictions In The Bible Answered…No 121 – 135

Contradictions 1 – 15 | Contradictions 16 – 30 | Contradictions 31 – 45 | Contradictions 46 – 60 | Contradictions 61 – 75 | Contradictions 76 – 90 | Contradictions 91 – 105 | Contradictions 106 – 120 | Contradictions 121 – 135 | Contradictions 136 – 150 | Contradictions 151 – 165 | (MORE SOON TO COME…this is a slow work in progress)

Bible Contradictions Answered 121 – 135

121. Must everyone die? Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11, John 11:26, and Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 11:5, and John 8:51 says no, but Romans 5:12 and Hebrews 9:27 says yes.

122. Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers? 1 Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:5-6 says yes, but 2 John 1:10, 1 Timothy 6:20-21, and 2 Timothy 2:16 says no.

123. Is divorce ever permissible? Matthew 19:6 says it is never permissible, Matthew 5:32, and 19:9 says it is permissible in the case of fornication, 1 Corinthians 7:15 says it is ok if an unbelieving spouse chooses to leave, and Deuteronomy 24:1-2 says a man may do so if he finds some uncleanness in her.

124. Does anyone ever do anything good? Isaiah 64:6, Psalms 14:3, 53:3, Romans 3:12, and Ecclesiastes 7:20 says no, but John 5:29, 2 Corinthians 5:10, and 3 John 11 says yes.

125. Who put the robe on Jesus? Luke 23:11 says Herod’s soldiers, but Matthew 27:27-28, Mark 15:15-17, and John 19:1-2 says Pilate’s soldiers.

126. Did Jesus drink on the cross? John 19:29-30 says yes, but Mark 15:23 and Matthew 27:34 says no.

127. When did the earth dry after the flood? Genesis 8:13 says on the first day of the month, but Genesis 8:14 says on the 27th day of the second month.

128. Does God dwell in darkness or in light? 1 Kings 8:12, 2 Chronicles 6:1, psalms 18:1, and 97:2 says darkness, but 1 Timothy 6:15-16 says light.

129. Will the earth last forever? Deuteronomy 4:40, Psalms 37:29, 78:69, 104:5, and Ecclesiastes 1:4 says it will last forever, but Psalms 102:25-26, Isaiah 65:17, Matthew 5:18, Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33, Hebrews 1:10-11, 2 Peter 3:10, 3:13, and Revelation 21:1 say it will be destroyed.

130. What kind of animals may we eat? Genesis 1:29, Proverbs 23:20, Daniel 1:8, Romans 14:21 says none, but Deuteronomy 14:7-8, Leviticus 11:2-4 says certain kinds, and Genesis 9:3, Mark 7:18-20, Luke 10:8, Acts 10:9-13, 1 Corinthians 10:25, Romans 14:2, and 1 Timothy 4:1-3 says anything.

131. How should the Edomites be treated? Deuteronomy 23:7 says be nice to them, but 2 Kings 14:3-7, Ezekiel 25:13, Obadiah 1, and 8-9 says kill them.

132. Did Lot’s daughters think God had killed every man except Lot? Genesis 19:21-22 and 30 says no, but Genesis 19:31 says yes.

133. Does the gospel of Luke contain everything that Jesus did? Acts 1:1-2 says yes, but Luke 2:39 says no.

134. Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth? Matthew 2:14 says Egypt, but Luke 2:39 says Nazareth.

135. How many disciples did Jesus appear to in His first post resurrection appearance? 1 Corinthians 15:5 says 12, but Matthew 28:16-17, Mark 16:14, Luke 24:33-37 says 11, and John 20:24 says 10.


Must everyone die? Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11, John 11:26, and Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 11:5, and John 8:51 says no, but Romans 5:12 and Hebrews 9:27 says yes. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No, The references to Enoch and Elijah do not take into account the two prophets who will return to earth and then be killed in the book of Revelation. The prophecy is clear that Elijah will be one of those men. Enoch must also be the other one since he has yet to die.

Melchisedec was a priest with no record of beginning or end. This does not mean he had none. It simply means we do not know of the time or manner of his death, nor do we know who his parents were. So again, this does not tell us that he did not die.

When Jesus spoke of those who believe in Him never seeing death He was not referring to the death of the flesh. He was speaking of the second death. This is why He also said that those who believe, even if they are dead, yet shall they live. For more information on that please see: What is Death and What Is a Born Again Christian.

Also take note that the Bible tells us that some are dead while they live. It is quite obvious that there is a misunderstanding here because of a lack of understanding. The Bible speaks of both literal and figurative death, the death of the body and soul, and the spiritually dead while physically alive. So before one can claim this to be a contradiction they have to understand the context and meaning. Therefore this is not a contradiction.

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Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers? 1 Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:5-6 says yes, but 2 John 1:10, 1 Timothy 6:20-21, and 2 Timothy 2:16 says no. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. Look again at the verses mentioned. 1 Peter and Colossians tell us to “be ready” and willing to give an answer. But they do not REQUIRE us to actually GIVE that answer. We are instructed to avoid certain things because even giving an answer will do no good in those cases.

For example, some may think that I am writing this to convince non-believers who want to argue about it. This is not the case. I am actually writing these things to help believers understand them in order to strengthen their faith.

Therefore, I shun profane babbling and strife of debate because my objective isn’t to engage in that in the first place. I do however USE that to my advantage in that while I speak with those who will not listen, others who look on may hear and believe.

For more information please see: How to Defend Your Faith and How Does Satan Work.

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Is divorce ever permissible? Matthew 19:6 says it is never permissible, Matthew 5:32, and 19:9 says it is permissible in the case of fornication, 1 Corinthians 7:15 says it is ok if an unbelieving spouse chooses to leave, and Deuteronomy 24:1-2 says a man may do so if he finds some uncleanness in her. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. Deuteronomy 24 does not speak of ANY uncleanness. It speaks of the uncleanness of fornication. This is explained by Jesus in Matthew. The fact that Deuteronomy says that divorce is permitted if a wife finds no favor in the eyes of her husband actually shows mercy. The husband who has discovered her fornication may choose NOT to divorce her if she still holds favor in his eyes.

In the case of the unbelieving spouse one must understand that it is the UNBELIEVING spouse who leaves and frees the believer. It is NOT permitted for the believer to leave, as the rest of 1 Corinthians says.

When the Bible tells us not to separate what God has joined together it is telling us that it is a sin to do so. Since the only way to actually separate one from another in the eyes of God is by fornication it means one must commit that sin in order to become separated. What happens is that one spouse becomes one with another person and therefore they are no longer one with their original spouse. So yes, it is a sin to divorce because one must sin in order for it to happen.

There is no contradiction at all here unless one mistakenly adds the word “any” to uncleanness in Deuteronomy. It says “some” uncleanness, but does not say “any” uncleanness. So it is speaking of “some” kind of fornication.

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Does anyone ever do anything good? Isaiah 64:6, Psalms 14:3, 53:3, Romans 3:12, and Ecclesiastes 7:20 says no, but John 5:29, 2 Corinthians 5:10, and 3 John 11 says yes. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. When the Bible says that there is none who do good it is speaking of being sinless. Therefore, none are good since for all of the good that they may do it doesn’t mean they do no evil. This is why Isaiah says our righteousness is as filthy rags. It isn’t because we have done NO righteousness. It is because our righteousness is obscured by the filth of the sin which we also do.

Those who do good, therefore, according to God must only be those who have been forgiven and washed clean of their sins. This is the only way to remove the stains on the rags, so to speak.

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Who put the robe on Jesus? Luke 23:11 says Herod’s soldiers, but Matthew 27:27-28, Mark 15:15-17, and John 19:1-2 says Pilate’s soldiers. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. If you read the entire story you will see that Pilate sent Jesus to Herod. At that time the soldiers of Herod placed the robe on Jesus and scourged Him. After that they sent Him back to Pilate who had his soldiers strip and scourge Jesus and then place the robe back on Him. So these were two different times that this particular robe was placed on Him.

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Did Jesus drink on the cross? John 19:29-30 says yes, but Mark 15:23 and Matthew 27:34 says no. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. If you look in the full account given by Matthew you will notice that Jesus was offered a drink TWICE. Once before Jesus was crucified in verse 34 and once again after He was on the cross in verse 48.

The reason He did not drink the first time is because the vinegar was mixed with wine. He had already promised that He would not drink wine again at the last supper. The second time He was offered a drink it was not mixed with wine, and so He drank it.

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When did the earth dry after the flood? Genesis 8:13 says on the first day of the month, but Genesis 8:14 says on the 27th day of the second month. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. The drying process took quite some time. First, the ark “ran aground” on the mountain top, and slowly the top of the mountain became visible. After some time that mountain top would have become dry, but the waters were still on the rest of the earth. So eventually Noah saw that the area he was at was now dry in verse 13. But the rest of the earth still had to dry out. So in verse 14 it tells us when the entire drying out process was done.

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Does God dwell in darkness or in light? 1 Kings 8:12, 2 Chronicles 6:1, psalms 18:1, and 97:2 says darkness, but 1 Timothy 6:15-16 says light. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. First, we need to establish something. 1 John 1:5 tells us that God IS light. Now, where is Jesus? He is with the Father, with God, who is light. So, Jesus dwells in the light of God, and not to confuse you, but He IS God too. You can read about the trinity here: The trinity explained.

But, even though God Himself dwells in light He also dwells in darkness. Let me explain. Place a light bulb inside of a box. Now, put a toy army man inside of it. On the other side of the box place a toy rabbit. Now close the box and turn the light in the room (not in the box) out.

Where is the toy army man? He dwells in the light, which is also in the dark room. So even though He is in the light the rabbit can’t see him because of the darkness and the divide between the light and the dark. This is how it is with God.

God wraps Himself in darkness to hide His light.

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Will the earth last forever? Deuteronomy 4:40, Psalms 37:29, 78:69, 104:5, and Ecclesiastes 1:4 says it will last forever, but Psalms 102:25-26, Isaiah 65:17, Matthew 5:18, Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33, Hebrews 1:10-11, 2 Peter 3:10, 3:13, and Revelation 21:1 say it will be destroyed. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. There is a difference between the word destroy and the word annihilate. Any physicist will tell you that matter can not be created or destroyed. But, what they mean by that is that matter can not be created or annihilated. Matter can change form, but can never vanish. Therefore it is forever.

The Bible tells us that God will DESTROY the earth, but it does not say He will annihilate it. When the Bible says the earth will “pass away” it is speaking of a change from one form to another. Just as we “pass away” and change from having a body into no body, the earth is going to change as well. It will be fire that cleanses the earth and makes it “new.”

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What kind of animals may we eat? Genesis 1:29, Proverbs 23:20, Daniel 1:8, Romans 14:21 says none, but Deuteronomy 14:7-8, Leviticus 11:2-4 says certain kinds, and Genesis 9:3, Mark 7:18-20, Luke 10:8, Acts 10:9-13, 1 Corinthians 10:25, Romans 14:2, and 1 Timothy 4:1-3 says anything. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. I’m literally shaking my head at the ignorance of this one. Each one is from a different time period, and for different reasons. Think about the garden of Eden. Now, think about the world today. Don’t you think something must have happened between then and now to change the world?!

Before the fall of man we were to eat fruit. After the fall we were to eat fruit and herbs. After the flood we were to eat animals. Then the Jews received the law which limited them to only certain animals. Later, Jesus spoke of the spiritual concept of defilement. Therefore He used food as a way to explain that the important part of a person isn’t your body, it’s your soul. Then Paul once again used this when he spoke of eating whatever is given, since it won’t harm your soul.

So, why is that so hard to understand? Simple, it is hard to understand if you don’t want to understand it.

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How should the Edomites be treated? Deuteronomy 23:7 says be nice to them, but 2 Kings 14:3-7, Ezekiel 25:13, and Obadiah 1, and 8-9 says kill them. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. So, Deuteronomy tells us not to abhor an Edomite just because they are an Edomite. The word “abhor” means to regard with hate and disgust. In other words, don’t be prejudice. So they are not to be hated just because of who they are.

The next few sets of verses deal with war and justice. Did you know that you can go to war with people you aren’t prejudice against? In fact, how many civil wars have there been? War and justice do not require you to abhor someone. Also, the Bible isn‘t even JUST saying don‘t abhor them. It says don‘t abhor them JUST BECAUSE OF WHO THEY ARE. So even if the Edomite was abhorred for other reasons there would still be no problem here.

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Did Lot’s daughters think God had killed every man except Lot? Genesis 19:21-22 and 30 says no, but Genesis 19:31 says yes. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. The daughters of Lot DID think God had killed everyone, or at least everyone who would marry them. Just because they were in Zoar after Sodom was destroyed it does not mean they assumed Zoar still existed by the time they reached the shelter of the cave. In fact, the reason for them leaving Zoar was for fear that it would also be destroyed.

So there is no reason to assume they knew anyone else was left. For all they knew God could have destroyed Zoar as well once they got to the cave. So this “contradiction” is based on an unwarranted assumption.

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Does the gospel of Luke contain everything that Jesus did? Acts 1:1-2 says yes, but Luke 2:39 says no. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. The word “treatise” in Acts means a systematic and methodical written work explaining a point. So, first of all we need to know that Luke said that the FORMER treaties he had written (notice the plural) were for the purpose of explaining what Jesus taught and did. Therefore, Luke is not saying he wrote ALL that Jesus did, only that he wrote systematically and methodically to EXPLAIN what Jesus did.

Second, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the word all relates to only certain things. But then, I guess, I’m not answering a question that came from one.

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Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth? Matthew 2:14 says Egypt, but Luke 2:39 says Nazareth. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. Matthew 2 says they went to Egypt and THEN to Nazareth. You may notice that Luke doesn’t include the issue with Herod either. So, Luke doesn’t give every detail. But, Matthew gives more detail. A lot went on in those days. They did A LOT of traveling. So the only way you could consider this a contradiction is if you wrongly assume (and therefore add to the word of God) that Luke gave every detail and left nothing out.

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How many disciples did Jesus appear to in His first post resurrection appearance? 1 Corinthians 15:5 says 12, but Matthew 28:16-17, Mark 16:14, Luke 24:33-37 says 11, and John 20:24 says 10. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?

No. These events took place at different times. 1 Corinthians even gives this clue very clearly when it says He was seen of Cephas, THEN of the twelve. In fact, Mark also gives the same type of wording. This is no contradiction. It is a lack of knowledge on the part of the reader.

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Giving Praise

God is SO good! He has spoken to me very specifically about something I had been praying about just to encourage me! Our Father God is awesome!!!

Pastor Dave