Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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Controversial Topics Of Christianity

These are some of the hot button issues that face the world today. More importantly these are issues that Christians need to understand and see the big picture about. Often times we argue about these subjects only because we don’t seem to be able to find the line between right and wrong.


What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? STUDY NOW>>>

Does the Bible really say it is a sin? Too many people have been confused about this topic because on one hand we are told it is a sin, but on the other hand we are told it is all about love. Find out what homosexuality is really about and what our response to it should be!

Is Christmas Pagan

Is Christmas REALLY a pagan holiday? STUDY NOW>>>

When people learn the origin of Christmas they often discover it has roots in a pagan holiday. What does this mean to Christians who always say “Keep Christ in Christmas” when they discover these things? Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Find out what the Bible has to say…HO HO HO.

Jesus was Jewish

Was Jesus A Jew? STUDY NOW>>>

People have been asking if Jesus was a Christian, or if He was a Jew. This study will help you understand the difference between a Christian, Judaism, and a Jew. Find out where the Jews came from, why being Jewish isn’t a religion, and what makes Christianity and Judaism different and alike at the same time.

Giving Praise

When I was in the Fourth grade my destroyed kidney I got from a beating was miraculously healed. Praise the Wonderful Name of Jesus.

John C. Thomas