Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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Heaven And Hell

What does the Bible say about Hell? What does Heaven look like? How do we find peace with God? What are angels?

If we are going to spend eternity with the reality of these things then we need to know what that reality will be. These studies are filled with that kind of information. So you can learn all about those mysterious things.

These studies will be moved to a different page and replaced with studies on the subjects of heaven, hell, angels, and so on.


Death Is Why Salvation Is Needed For Everyone STUDY NOW>>>

From the Garden of Eden to eternity one thing has haunted men and women. Sin demands justice to be done and God is the judge. Find out how it all started and the effects it has had on not only the whole world but you as an individual. Learn what is really at stake because of sin.

price and prize

What God Has Done To Save Us STUDY NOW>>>

The reality of the gospel shows our need for salvation and our inability to save ourselves. When we accept this truth we can begin to find the only way we could ever be rescued. We have to rely on someone greater than ourselves. Learn what God has done to save you and why He did it that way.

how does it work

How Can We Be Saved STUDY NOW>>>

Now that we know why we need to be saved and how God has made it possible for us to be saved the question becomes what must we do to be saved? This may not be as complicated as you think. God has told us our part in accepting salvation and it isn’t taught in many churches. So many people (even those who have gone to church) don’t understand how the Bible teaches us to be saved.

Giving Praise

God is SO good! He has spoken to me very specifically about something I had been praying about just to encourage me! Our Father God is awesome!!!

Pastor Dave