Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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How To Live A Christian Life

Sometimes it isn’t easy being a Christian. The word itself seems to have taken on a new meaning (though it was originally meant as an insult anyway). But that is only because of those who use the name but do not live as a Christian. Thus the way is “evil spoken of.”

So let’s look into the Bible to learn what it really means to be a Christian, what some of the thoughts and concerns of Christians are, and just how to live as a REAL Christian altogether.


Can You Lose Your Salvation STUDY NOW>>>

There are so many things God has given you when you became a Christian. One of those things is a new heart. There are some things you need to know now that you have decided to follow Jesus. Learn about if you can or can not lose your salvation here and find out what God wants from you right now.

pick up your cross

I’m A Christian! Now What? STUDY NOW>>>

Your task as a Christian is to reach the world for Jesus. But there is a lot of hardship in this. Learn in this study the different types of people that you will meet and how to know what methods are best for helping them come to Jesus.

not reading the bible

Don’t Have A Desire To Read The Bible? STUDY NOW>>>

Many people just do not have a desire to read the Bible. They would rather get their information from preachers and teachers instead of going to the source. It may just be laziness or it may be something much more sinister…a hard heart towards God. If you are having trouble reading your Bible and learning the word You need to see this.

God Hates

What Makes God Sick STUDY NOW>>>

You know how if you eat some food that has been left out too long and is lukewarm it can make you sick sometimes? Yeah, that is how God feels when it comes to lukewarm people in the body of Christ. Find out what it means to be lukewarm and what God is going to do to stop being sick.

Giving Praise

I met my husband on a phone site July 3 2014. 3 months after we met we got married. He was in work release and had a few months till he got out. When he got out we lived with a lady that had bone cancer and we moved in to help her out. Well, Continue Reading
