Building Christians Up From The Foundation & Unto Perfection

Hebrews 6:1-3

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We Are The Body Of Christ


How To Handle Doctrinal Disputes And Come To The Truth STUDY NOW>>>

Today isn’t the only time that Christians have not seen eye to eye on teachings from the Bible. But how we handle these disputes effects much more than we realise! A little bit of poison will spread through the course of your entire understanding of everything God has said. Learn about the cure and how to use it.

body of christ

What Is The Church STUDY NOW>>>

There are some who say the church is made of Christians from all over the world and yet others say the church is only a local body of believers gathered in one place. Find out how Jesus views the church and how we need to see other Christians as well.

divided church

Why Are There Many Denominations STUDY NOW>>>

One of the things Jesus asked for from God was that we (the church) would be of the same mind. He wanted there to be unity among us. Why are there so many denominations and so many different teachings then? Discover how the church really isn’t as divided as many would think.

Point To God

Leadership In The Church STUDY NOW>>>

It is very true that Jesus is the head of the church. That does not mean He did not give us a structure of leadership though. Any business man will tell you that if you want to have a well run business you have to have leaders in place. Find out who the leaders are in the body of Christ, why we should follow them, and their qualifications.

woman preacher

Does The Bible Say Women Can’t Be Preachers? STUDY NOW>>>

Women in ministry have been one of the greatest tools God has used over the entire history of the world. But does the Bible say that women should be silent in church and not allowed to teach, preach, or be a pastor? Find out!


Giving Praise

I met my husband on a phone site July 3 2014. 3 months after we met we got married. He was in work release and had a few months till he got out. When he got out we lived with a lady that had bone cancer and we moved in to help her out. Well, Continue Reading
